The development and deployment of TM 2.0 services involves the cooperation of several actors and stakeholders from both “road side traffic management” and “in-vehicle” perspective, but also spread throughout the public and private sector. This task force collected the experiences and lessons learned from recent European initiatives and projects in the domain of innovative traffic management.
The different driving forces and expectations identified from public and private sector stakeholders confirmed the need for a simplified concept for depicting the organisational aspects associated to TM 2.0. Together with an initial set of traffic management related services and use cases, this information formed the basis for a further organisational architecture practical research.
The task force worked on the initial identification and structuring of the roles and responsibilities associated with the actors involved in different European local scenarios, projected for different TM 2.0 services. An organisational model architecture has been developed, accommodating different combinations of role and task allocation between public and private sectors.
The application of the reference architecture to future TM 2.0 pilot deployment locations will support the focus work of the TM 2.0 platform on identifying win-win business solutions for all the stakeholders involved and reinforce the cooperation with a view to enhancing the effectiveness and success of the services envisaged. Finding out where values lie within the different organisational schemes, helps us identify where values can be further enhanced or created.
This task force surveyed the latest developments and trends which may facilitate the development of innovative traffic management services and the areas where more work is needed and specific actions should be undertaken so as to facilitate the provision of such services by Traffic Management Centres and service providers. It is expected that the provision of such services will be greatly facilitated by the high penetration of navigation devices in vehicles and nomadic devices and by the increase in availability of reliable traffic information provided by connected mobile users as well as by the progress already made in Europe as regards cooperative ITS data. In addition, the consensus in the development of appropriate standards will play a crucial role in this direction. Probe data should possibly be open and there should be a commonly accepted methodology ensuring the reliability of processed data. Probe data as well as the interface for data transfer between navigation systems and Traffic Management plans could be standardised and secured by a security infrastructure. This is even more true for intermodal traffic information. Users’ privacy concerns should be respected. Also, an agreement among service providers as regards the exchange of information presented on maps would greatly facilitate such services. To collect reliable data and to provide reliable mobility services a sufficient penetration should be reached and the mobile networks should be set up according to the expected data traffic resulting from the development of such services.
Moreover, the existing infrastructure of TMCs could be upgraded to become interoperable with vehicles of several manufacturers and several service providers. The relevant return of investment required for this upgrade should become evident to decision makers, although it should not be based only on monetary profits. Finally, relevant policies should be put in place and actions to increase awareness should be undertaken.
The focus of this task force was to provide the basis for data exchange between traffic management plans and procedures and in-car service providers, which should enable TM 2.0 services. This includes identifying the necessary data sets, determining quality requirements for these data sets, and defining requirements concerning privacy and security.
The task force engaged in carrying out the following tasks: collection of data sets that are necessary to close the loop between traffic management and in-car service providers; characterisation of the identified data sets; identification of the most important TM 2.0 services; visualisation of interrelations between services and data sets; definition of the use case – Traffic measures and individual routing information based on PVD; graphical representation of potential data exchange links; identification of the data sets that are most important to be exchanged; and identification of critical issues.
The conclusion of the task force is that the information concerning data is available on a general level and is very often complementary on each side of the data chain. However, for a more efficient understanding of the traffic and better navigation services, detailed data sharing would be necessary including agreed metadata.
The task force has raised important clarifications related to the data sets, the exchange of data and possible options for scalable implementation.
The work has led to the creation of additional task forces on the clear definition of traffic management plans and other measures and on the evaluation of the benefits of the TM 2.0 concept.
The following two illustrations show the exchange of data elements between traffic management centres and in-car service providers. The first diagram depicts the data exchange towards traffic management centres while the second diagram provides data exchange in the other direction towards mobility service providers. Nevertheless access and exchange procedures as well as options for contracts and agreements have to be discussed (considering possibilities for a bilateral approach, common fusion engine or TMC2.0 traffic management engines).
This Task Force has addressed the steps that can be taken to achieve an interactive and dynamic TM 2.0 by undertaking the following tasks:
This Task Force does not engage in the deployment tasks but supports the TM2.0 members and candidate areas by providing guidance through a common framework, supporting local deployment plan and approach. It is important to note that this Task Force looks only at the deployment steps, leaving other aspects such as the identification of data, benefits, best practices, business models, contractual aspects, etc. to be addressed by other TM 2.0 Task Forces.
A common framework is seen by the TM 2.0 members as an important instrument for achieving a shared understanding of the benefits and challenges involved in the implementation of TM 2.0. It supports the identification and description of the relationships and interdependencies between ITS stakeholders involved in traffic management, and that includes the distribution of roles and tasks, and win-win situations sought to be achieved with the delivery of a specific TM 2.0 service solution. It also facilitates an efficient exchange of knowledge between different TM 2.0 deployment areas, allowing these cities and regions to capture and understand lessons learnt from each other.
The TF published its report in November 2016
The TM 2.0 ERTICO Innovation Platform Task Force (TF) on Value Proposition envisaged the definition of value propositions under consideration of different ITS stakeholder perspectives. In order to assess the diversity of needs, and ensure the ‘win-win’ principle is followed, the TF on Value Proposition examined four cities / regions in Europe, namely Thessaloniki, Helmond – Eindhoven – Tilburg, Salzburg and Barcelona and assessed their common vision in how TM 2.0 can help in facing the different challenges in their traffic management practices.
The following elements have been identified as key to enable a more efficient and effective traffic management:
The TF published its report in April 2016.
Automation along the entire chain of road transportation and services will play a key role in future transport systems. Traffic Management has to be ready to accommodate the circulation of automated vehicles. The main objective of this TF is to assess how the gradual road presence of automated vehicles, at automation level 3 and above, will affect the current Traffic Management practices.
Another objective is to analyse how new Traffic Management practices can facilitate the smooth integration of automated vehicles in real traffic, while gaining the maximum benefits from this introduction. Moreover, the TM 2.0 TF aims to explore the interaction between Traffic Management, automated vehicles and human drivers. The TF works under the principle that in order to establish an efficient and valuable interaction, “both ends” of the Traffic Management chain need to be prepared to communicate not only in the same language but also on the basis of similar technical and functional quality levels.
The Task Force on “Role of Automation in Traffic Management” has finalised its first and second phase report.
Quantifiable benefits and KPIs are essential when building a solid business case for deploying the TM 2.0 concept. The data exchange between Traffic Management Centres (TMCs) and Mobility Service providers (MSPs), has to be able to be assessed and measured so that success can be evaluated.
This TF focuses on defining a methodology for the Quantification of Benefits of TM2.0 by simulating TM 2.0 on two specific cities (Verona and Thessaloniki), which are treated as case studies.
The proposed methodology for the assessment of the impact TM 2.0 has with regards to traffic, environmental objectives, and safety, is using microscopic traffic simulation applied to the two cities that exhibit different sets of needs but a common approach to TM (TM 2.0). Interactive traffic management is based on the utilization of real-time traffic information (i.e. floating car data etc.) from traffic management operators for the optimization of the network performance. Thus, a dynamic micro simulation model is being developed for the evaluation of the effects of different traffic regulation schemes. For example, updated traffic signals and other traffic measures are being deployed in modeling and micro simulation in order to effectively quantify the benefits of TM 2.0 for all users and stakeholders.
The TM 2.0 concept on the exchange of Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) aims to enable, facilitate and accelerate the information exchange among traffic management stakeholders and in particular the access to policy and strategy based plans and actions as these are set by the public authorities and road operators. Specifically, TF8 works to define the concept of TMP (decisions, procedures and strategies) as it is key for the better understanding and development of TM 2.0, and what is included in TMPs and how to exchange it. The TM 2.0 TF on the exchange of TMPs work closely with TISA, the Travellers Information Services Association on defining and recommending possible harmonised standards on the format of TMPs. As TMPs have to be able to flow between traffic information service providers and traffic management centres/road operators, the format should be cost-effective and widely acceptable.
Traffic Management operations in general, and exchange of traffic management plans in particular, are very heterogeneous across Europe in terms of availability and quality. These can be explained by the different levels of available facilities (ICT infrastructure), tools or processes and the lack of standards in place within road infrastructure providers responsible for implementation of traffic management plans.
Traffic management ensures a minimum number of stops per driver, optimal routing of vehicles across the network and real time traffic information that enhances a ‘good’ driving behaviour (i.e. without unnecessary acceleration, deceleration, gear changes, etc.), which in turn favours the safety of all users within the road network and mitigates congestion. The main objective of an evolved traffic management strategy is to ensure smooth flows of vehicles across the entire road network, where vehicles travel at a steady and optimum speed so that fuel consumption and CO2 emissions can be reduced to a minimum.
Task Force Proposal Objectives
Work Plan
Task Force Proposal Objectives
Work Plan
Task Force Proposal Objectives
Work Plan
The objective of this Task Force is to speed up the development of innovative solutions for advanced active traffic management by linking to intermodal and syncromodal interfaces, to liaise with relevant initiatives and projects (DTLF, CO-GISTICS, URSA MAJOR, INTERCOR) and to proceed to Project. Main tasks will be to identify relevant use cases and the survey needs for “digital infrastructure” and intelligent cargo; and to analyse needs for new interfaces and communication technologies.
Deadline for Midterm reporting is January 2018; deadline for finalisation is June 2018
Task Force Proposal Objectives
Task Force Proposal Objectives
The main aim of TM2.0 is to enable vehicle interaction with traffic management. A lot of research effort is focusing on automation in road transport, which is expected to benefit also from the evolution of Cooperative ITS and the exchange of data among all entities. Road Automation is an important development that is expected to affect not only the vehicle but also the infrastructure and thus the TM, so it has to be considered in view of the long term evolution in TM. In addition it can be considered as an enabler of the evolution of TMCs. So, the planning of integrating and facilitating Road Automation is being considered in every aspect of the Platform’s work. The TF on Road Automation safeguards that the evolution of TM is taking Road Automation into account.
Based on the outcomes of the previous two phases, in phase III this Task Force will undertake the following:
The objective of this Task Force is to provide public and private stakeholders with practical guidelines on how to facilitate TM 2.0 collaboration between stakeholders on a tactical level.
The TF published its report in June 2018
This new Task Force will open and will help us to deploy what we have agreed for the past 3 years. The TM 2.0 chairs Klaas Rozema (Dynniq) and Martin Russ (Austriatech) will lead this Task Force. The main tasks will be to set the next phase IV: from TM 2.0 testing & assessing towards marketplace implementation, to define the roadmap and to give the opportunity for the TM 2.0 members to include proposals for next TF work.
The TF on TM 2.0 – MaaS will need to develop smart mobility solutions between traffic management and MaaS. The TF will work towards defining the functionalities of TM 2.0 (influencing & informing on traffic) and how these enable MaaS services. It will also aim at piloting the results at urban & motorway level using use cases such as park&ride in a host city (and motorway) that is already (or is interested in) implementing MaaS services. Additional use case: traffic management related to events causing heavy temporary traffic flows. Extending this “proof of concept” towards multi-modal services is important: it will attempt to engage other modes and show the feasibility and benefit of managing transportation demand along the route using different means of transportation. It will address user groups and new interaction layers with fleet operations (specific demand/benefit).
The objectives of the TF on TM 2.0 as a Trusted Network are to: Define elements of Trust: – Definition of Trust and its characteristics – Definition of the requirements for trust to be established in TM 2.0 schemes – ‘Trusted entities’ (members of TM 2.0 and following the concept, e.g. NAPs) – Define T 2.0 modules (step-based approach on implementing TM 2.0 in practice) – Define TM 2.0 ‘seal’ (awarded to TM practices upon request)
The TF on Digital Infrastructure will investigate the current state of the art of the European Digital Infrastructure, and assess the current and future needs for automated and autonomous mobility. For this it will identify demands for digital and adaption of physical infrastructure to support automated mobility (Public Transport and Individual Traffic). In this context the TF will investigate the link between Operational Design Domain (ODD) and Infrastructure Support Levels for Automated Driving (ISAD) and how digital infrastructure can support automated and autonomous mobility. The TF will map the existing digital infrastructure landscape and elaborate links between TM2.0, digital infrastructure and its services. Create an understanding of digital infrastructure aspects in the context of TM2.0 and how the related data services can be used for optimising traffic and its management and planning. It will also provide recommendations for public authorities and stakeholders to address the most pressing aspect of the digital infrastructure implementation and planning.
As there is a strong need for inventory of policy goals and initiatives and also for inventory of standards and/or ways to communicate intelligent access policy in digital ways, the TF on Intelligent Access will look into the current SoA with regards to Access, Regulations and assess the needs that TM 2.0 concept has in this aspect of planning and managing traffic.
The TF on Multimodality in TM will need to elaborate on the links and common path between TM 2.0 and MaaS. It will show how TM is evolving towards embracing other modes of mobility with key focus on a seamless passenger travel. The TF aims to understand and bond multimodality in the context of TM 2.0 and show how the use of different transport modes influences and impacts traffic in terms of planning and management. The TF will focus on, examine and address the (peri-) urban.
Roadworks are unavoidable for the maintenance and expansion of public infrastructure; at the same time, they are an obstacle to mobility. Transport authorities have the task of ensuring a smooth flow of traffic despite road works. Traffic-relevant roadworks must be identified and made available as information so that everyone can coordinate and the interested public can be informed. With up-to-date and target group-adapted information about road works, road users such as ambulances, fire brigades, logistics companies and individual traffic can be intelligently guided around road works, thus optimising the traffic situation. In this way, the search traffic can be minimised, traffic jams can be avoided and the associated pollution can be reduced. In the current discussion on digital traffic management, the task of providing road works information tailored to the various stakeholders and in real time is viewed very positively. In this paper, we first focus on the situation in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, with an outlook on how a solution could be transferred to other municipalities.
This TF will focus on providing a more inclusive definition on micromobility (not only e-bikes and e-scooters) and on researching how micromobility affects traffic management and how can it be managed within traffic management and its infrastructures. This includes, prioritization of micromobility within the field of traffic management, relevant data-sources and feeds (Such as the US MDS standard) new types of “space allocation” management, as well as learning from micromobility strategies of different cities and regions.
This TF will investigate multimodality in relation to public transport as well as MaaS providers and their business models and how these interact with the road network (including how fleets are managed, COVID and resilience, park and ride measures and schemes). The enhanced use of data and relevant data models, governance models and business models will be considered for each of the above.
The Task Force on applicability of SOCRATES2.0 results will start with the results from the work conducted under the SOCRATES2.0 project including work on business models, technical content and other aspects of interactive traffic management. From there the TF will study how the partners of TM 2.0 and other stakeholders in traffic management could use the results of SOCRATES2.0 for their region, city, or country. This will also entail reflecting on the next steps that should be taken to continue enabling the improvement of traffic management. The Report will have the form of guidance for those who wish to deploy TM 2.0, enhanced by lessons learned by SOCRATES2.0: on organisation, roles, responsibilities and specific benefits for different actors.
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