TM2.0 welcomes new members

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The TM2.0 Platform welcomed two new TM2.0 Members at its Steering Committee on 13 March: the Port of Antwerp and the Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V. (OCA).

The Port of Antwerp is the second largest European container port, handling 10,037,341 TEU (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit) in 2016. The continued growth of the port comes with specific requirements in terms of traffic management to support its current and future activities.

The OCA – Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V. is an association of public road authorities and operators founded in 1999 in the course of the emergence of the OCIT standard. The OCA represents the interests of all public administrations in the development of open standards for traffic signal systems, traffic computers and traffic control centres. The OCA currently has members from 38 member cities and federal states in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. OCA is of course open to new members, not only from German speaking countries but from all over Europe.

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