New Task Force ‘TM 2.0 as a Trusted Network’ launches

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The Task Force on TM 2.0 as a Trusted Network has been launched mid-January 2019.  The TM 2.0 collaboration scheme is based on the understanding and acceptance of win-win-win in the practice of traffic management in a region, area or city. The stakeholders and players active in traffic management planning and operations have, in addition to contractual agreements signed among them, to expect and to be confident that some elements of this agreement will be covered, including quality of data, sharing of decisions info, inclusive practices and transparent practices and also public safety priorities. This new TF will work on defining Trust, the requirements for establishing this trust,  and will sketch how TM2.0 collaborative schemes can be identified and/or marked as part of the‘ TM2.0 trusted network’. The final goal is to achieve a connected traffic management system that allows for only secure and reliable data to be transmitted.

The TF aims to conclude its work by the beginning of June 2019 and present its results on the occasion of the ITS European Congress.

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