Meet the winners of the TM 2.0 Student Paper Awards at ISFO 2023: Xuerun Yan

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Xuerun Yan is the first winner of the TM 2.0 sponsored Student Paper Awards, which rewarded the work of student researchers in the field of traffic management. The competition was organised during the ISFO Symposium 2023, which was held on 26-30 June in Vienna, Austria, co-organised by TM 2.0 in collaboration with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and AustriaTech. This key event brought together close to 400 traffic management experts from both the public and the private sector in Europe and the United States, including US Departments of Transport (DoTs) and the US academic community, to discuss the future of traffic management. The papers submitted as part of the competition were reviewed by the Student Paper Awards Committee, which comprises Panos D. Prevedouros (University of Hawaii/TRB), Martin Russ (AustriaTech/TM 2.0), Jop Spoelstra (Technolution/TM 2.0), Dr Johanna Tzanidaki (ERTICO/TM 2.0/TRB), Haizhong Wang (Oregon State University/TRB), and Yinhai Wang (University of Washington/TRB).

Xuerun Yan received his B.S. degree in Traffic Engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2021. He currently works as a research assistant with the Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. His research interests are in the areas of AV simulation, vehicle control and cooperative driving.

The jury of experts of the Student Paper Awards at ISFO selected his paper among the numerous contributions as the winner of the competition. His winning paper focuses on a cutting-edge simulation platform designed for evaluating truck platooning, which is now used at the Yangshan Port by the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). The study Xuerun Yan conducted with his co-authors validated the platform’s credibility through a comparison with an actual field test and additional sample tests. The experimental results emphasised the need to upgrade platoon lane-change technologies for high traffic demand scenarios and the importance of localised and up-to-date assessments before permitting truck platooning.


© AustriaTech / Huger

TM 2.0 had the pleasure to talk to Xuerun Yan, who shared what drove him to study traffic engineering and how he envisions the future of mobility. Top of Form

  1. Why are you studying traffic engineering?

“As a Ph.D. student at Tongji University in the field of traffic engineering, I am studying this subject because of its vital role in designing and improving transportation systems. Traffic engineering offers opportunities to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability in urban mobility, making a positive impact on people’s lives and the environment. I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge to create better transportation infrastructure and shape the future of mobility for society.”

  1. What is your vision for the future of mobility?

“My vision for the future of traffic mobility is to create a smart and sustainable transportation ecosystem. I aim to develop advanced technologies and innovative strategies that promote efficient traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety. Integrating autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and environmentally friendly modes of transport, I envision a future where people can enjoy seamless, accessible, and eco-conscious mobility options, ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.”

  1. What does the award mean to you?

“I am grateful to receive this prestigious award. The award holds great significance to me as it is a recognition for my hard work and research. It gives me an opportunity to showcase my research achievements done in China to the world. It also boosts my confidence and motivates me to continue striving on my academic path.”

© AustriaTech / Huger


The TM 2.0 Innovation Platform on interactive Traffic Management wishes Xuerun Yan the best of success and looks forward to hearing more about his future work!

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