ISFO Symposium: discover the speakers!

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TM 2.0 is proud to dynamically support the organisation of the 4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations (ISFO), an exciting event for the traffic management community and the mobility industry taking place from 26 to 30 June in Vienna.

Looking beyond traditional traffic management, the event will provide a platform for managers, traffic engineers, practitioners, and researchers to share knowledge and experience on “the Future of Managing Traffic”.

The speakers for the first two Plenary Sessions have just been announced! They will discuss the latest developments in the field of traffic management and will open up interesting discussions on future innovations. Discover the speakers below and make sure to attend the first two Plenary Sessions on Tuesday 27 June from 09:00 to 11:00 to hear their valuable expert insights.

For more information on the Symposium, including the full programme, visit the Symposium website. You can register directly though this link.

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